January 9, 2010

Everything is dead these days

Sounds morbid, but, really, in last few weeks everything died :)

As a ColdFusion developer most noticeable to me was spree of articles & blogs which tried to explain how CF is dead (or is about to die). But that's something I used to. Each time new CF Server comes out, "CF-is-dead wave" hit the coast. What really surprised me was that everything else died.

Few days ago, I read an "old" (for some reason it became popular again) article how UML died and 13 reasons why is so. According to author, this technology is already dead. After reading it, my only question was: What is an alternative? Read a blog, read dozens of comments and no one suggested what can be an alternative to this.

Not much after that, same site (coincidence, conspiracy or marketing :)) published a "rend" against TDD (Test Driven Development). Again, bottom line was: This sucks, give us something(!) else.

After language, design and development methodology died, it was about time for one legend to die. No worries. Chuck Norris can't die. Ultimate surprise came in form of clam that Java is dead. I like this article and author does not defend premise of article title, but try to find the root of such claim. There you'll find many interesting facts and link to as many interesting articles. Plus, I totally agree with him.

Well, that's it or, at least, enough. No more dieing.
Not sure what this means. Is this coincidence, is this a sign of forthcoming changes or apocalypse is really going to happen in 2012 :)

After reading so many "morbid" titles in few days, I discovered something crucially positive in all this. Computer languages are dieing on daily bases, and that way, they actually evolve. In computer science, "moment of being dead" is a good thing. It means your community will awake and try to breath a new life into their beloved donkey.

In the meanwhile, my fellas, enjoy working with "dead technologies" ;)


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, though my experience has been watching flash and cf "die". I've never been so depressed reading blogs as i have been lately.

My fear is that with so many ringing the death knells that it will/has become a bit of a mob mentality. In other words, no matter how illogical the claim, with enough people saying the same thing, enough followers form a mob forcing the change - no matter the cost to the whole group.

What do you think?

Unknown said...

Certainly, strong echos of bad voices have some impact on newcomers.
I am working and living in country where ColdFusion was always a rare specie, so it has never been big enough to be able to die :)
However, my point was more on general impression that things start changing. As time passes I am more and more convinced that we witness an evolution of web programming languages.
Imho, ColdFusion is not gaining new audience (but not losing) because it doesn't lead that evolution, but following it with 2+ years late. As a main reason for this I see that CF is focused on corporate environment that is not so agile. Taking a risk and start adopting innovations faster I am sure it would increase its popularity among young developers. Other way is to move toward academia, but those spots are already occupied, as much I can see.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you.. I also think cf has some falsehoods attached to it that haven't been beaten (ie: too expensive, and like you say, big-business only to name a couple)...

I'm not sure what cf needs to evolve further. For whatever it lacks, it always redeems itself in delightful ways that keeps me coming back for more. I regularly learn something new, that can't be repeatedly as easily or as uniquely in another langauge or platform.

I think every cf blog I've ever read has said the same thing; and I believe that's why it's still here. What do you think?

Unknown said...

Yes, there is something addictive about CF:) I worked before with .net and java (and from time to time I still do). Also, I am surrounded with colleagues who work with other languages (php, c++, java, .net, etc) and from what I've seen and came as result from discussions I had with them, nothing can so fast and easy to give result that work(!)

Moment when CF lost a (one of) race was when .net arrived as enterprise counterpart of Java. That was a time when CF had to drastically change and show/prove to developer audience that is capable to scale and handle enterprise applications.
Of course, nothing is lost. Language with such strong base can (re)gain popularity in any moment. Just need to chose a right moment and strategy.
Well, isn't it the case with everything else in our ligfs :)