November 12, 2008

Developing ColdFusion Extensions in Java

To make this short and effective:

1. You cannot reload CFX developed in Java without server restart. Empirically proven and confirmed by other CF developers (as some ppl claim, even by Adobe tech support)

2. Article to read to get into this subject fast and "good enough"

3. Example
import com.allaire.cfx.*;

public class test implements CustomTag {

public void processRequest(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String strName = request.getAttribute( "NAME" );
response.write( "Cao, " + strName );

Query qr = request.getQuery();

if ( qr == null )
throw new Exception(
"Missing QUERY parameter. " +
"You must pass a QUERY parameter in "+
"order for this tag to work correctly." ) ;

int i=1,j=1;
while(i<=qr.getRowCount()){ j=1; response.write(" "); while(j<=qr.getColumns().length){ response.write(qr.getData(i, j)+" | "); j++; } i++; } } }

Voila! Now you know everything :)))

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